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Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)

Main action: Toning (cleansing and purifying)

Extraction method : Distilled from leaves (Lemongrass)

Therapeutic indication : Migraine, nervousness, negativity. Improves muscle pain and tones the skin. Naturally sedative. Mixes well with rosemary, rose and sandalwood.

How to use:

• Baths: mix 5-8 drops of essential oil in 5 liters of water, add to the body at the end of the bath. It is not necessary to rinse. In the bath, add 5-8 drops of essential oil to the water.

• Massages: add 2-3 drops of essential oils to three tablespoons of carrier oil or base cream.

• vaporization: add 5-10 drops to a diffuser.

Integrated Work Chromotherapy and Aromatherapy - Green color – Illuminated truth, healing, certainty, confidence, willpower. Auric cleansing. Green is nature, it is life, and nature and life are our most concrete truths in the current Evolutionary Plan. True healing also comes through truth. Until we know the hidden “whys” in each of our acts, we cannot heal ourselves. We need to discover our own nature. Green heals through the purification obtained with the light of truth.

Lemongrass Essential Oil 10ml

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