Citrus amara
Action : Relaxing
Extraction method: Steam distillation of sour orange tree leaves.
Therapeutic indication: Anxiety, nervousness, stress, irritation, lack of concentration. Stimulates memory and concentration.
Combines with lemon, eucalyptus, cedar, sage.
Mind: Mental relaxation, personal protection, helps reduce stress and anxiety.
Body: Regulator, scalp stimulant.
Energy field – It is linked to the heart chakra, helps balance and reopen this emotional center and restores the ability to give and receive love. It helps reduce anxiety. It improves mood. It brings joy.
Integrative Therapy Chromotherapy and Aromatherapy – Orange color – Will and power
Recommended for recovering from emotional shocks. In nature, it represents variety - as the shades of orange are the most common in flowers and vegetables. Like red, it represents fire, willpower and human power.
Clearly perceived as containing red and yellow, it represents the balance between reason (yellow) and passion (red). It brings understanding, clairvoyance, mental balance and peace.
How to use:
• Baths: mix 5-8 drops of essential oil in 5 liters of water, add to the body at the end of the bath. It is not necessary to rinse. In the bath, add 5-8 drops of essential oil to the water.
• Massages: add 2-3 drops of essential oils to three tablespoons of carrier oil or base cream.
• vaporization: add 5-10 drops to a diffuser
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